Today…Who Does It Belong To?

It’s not mine. No, and it’s not yours. It is merely an extension of time offered to us by God. It’s ours only in the sense that we make our own minds up as to what we do with this day, today. And that is only because when God gives us a gift, He also gives us free will to decide what we will do with it.

I think we all struggle, every single day, with the things we will fill this day, today, up with. Will we spend it holed up at home, watching TV or movies, and vegging out? Will we clean our house, yard, garage, car, totally, completely, and only? What about a little bit of cleaning, some yard work, maybe some shopping? Will we go to work, put in our time, just to go home and crash?

None of these actions are negative in and of themselves. We do sometimes need a ‘veggie’ day. Some days, we need to take advantage of our time to set things to right in our homes. And when we work, we sometimes do feel completely exhausted at the end of the day, and require rest.

But what about time with God and His son, Jesus? What about other people and their needs? Are we only focusing on ourselves, today?

The answer is, no matter what you choose to do with your day, today, you can still decide to give a few minutes, or more, to spend in prayer. Nothing gives us strength and purpose, confidence and peace, as does being in the presence of our Creator. Nothing!

And you can still include others as well, however you use your day. Pray for them, smile, assist in a task, or just say a kind word. Send an encouraging card, or pick up the phone and call. These things can make all the difference to just one person.

No matter what you choose to do with your gift, always remember, it is just that…a gift. We are never promised a tomorrow. But we are promised joy. And any gift given by our Heavenly Father is indeed a joyous thing!

‘This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.’ Psalm 118:24 (ESV)


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