Tag Archives: Isaiah

‘The Lord God Has Opened My Ear

‘He awakens me morning by morning, He awakens my ear to hear as the learned. The Lord God has opened my ear.’ Isaiah 50:4-5
Isaiah was wise, and harkened to the Word that came from his Lord. He knew from where his sustenance came. And he knew God’s power, might, goodness, and wrath was like no other.
His message to Isaiah in this scripture shows not only His anger and wrath towards those who have turned away, but also the redemption, grace, and mercy He bestows on those who turn back to Him. He is the same today as He was in Isaiah’s time. Therefore, He will respond to us the same today as He did then.
So allow God to open your ear! Learn from both scripture and what God does, or does not do, in and through your life. The lessons learned from the Master are the most useful, and blessed, that you will ever learn.

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